Current Reading List

As a PhD candidate I do a lot of reading. Some of it is rather dry and some quite intriguing. Why is it exactly that academic journals need to be so bland? Really, can't we communicate about scientific findings with a little more flair?
I have a great committee that recommends great books to read so that I get a reprieve from the uber dry academic writing. My committee is also made up of a great variety of folks: historian, social scientists, ethnographers, rural sociologists -- and they read great books. I just got a collection of books from the library about hunting in America, writing ethnographies, and  writing historical biographies. My summer is going to be a blast! I am not being facetious - I will enjoy this.

I'll write reviews of books or articles that I think might be interesting to those of you who read my blog. While you might not read the books yourself, you just might find the topic interesting as I do.


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