Hiking with Friends and Puppies

After too many weeks without getting outdoors and breathing some fresh air, I finally made time to take a hike. I invited some friends and their dogs to join Luna and I on a casual stroll through the woods at a nearby park. Moose Creek Reservoir is only about 40 minutes from Moscow, ID and has all the things I was looking for: mellow trail (actually abandoned roadway), forest, meadows, and a lake. Because it was a Sunday and rainy the campground was pretty empty and there were no other folks walking the trails. We were able to meander along entertaining the dogs and chatting.
 Luna is a bit of a hyper dog and has enough energy for all of us. I am guessing that she walked about 5 times as far as the rest of us because of her quick jaunts into the forest and back and forth trips to the lake. Being a Labrador retriever she loves water. After her initial trip into the lake, she was in and out of it all afternoon.

We eventually came upon a wonderful wet meadow filled with beautiful flowers and the dogs had a blast running around. Luna did her best to dig a tunnel under the meadow while Greta watched.

No outdoor adventure is complete without exhausting your dog to the point that she can and will sit still for a photo op. By the end of the day Luna was slowing down a bit and sat down for a great portrait.

I am looking forward to more days like this as the summer moves along.


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