No-Poo Part 2

If you haven't read my first post about the No-Poo Movement - check it out here.

I have a friend who had a lot less concerns than me about the idea of using baking soda and apple cider vinegar in place of shampoo and conditioner than me. She jumped right in and her hair looks great! A side benefit has been that she no longer has an itchy scalp. I find that fascinating. So often if a person has itchy or dry scalp they are told by marketers that they just need this special shampoo or conditioner and it'll fix it up. But for my friend those options rarely worked and simple household items that cost pennies per use did the trick! No special concoction or 'unique natural ingredients' were necessary.

So, after hearing her tell me how well it was working, I finally decided to give it a try. I washed with a baking soda mix which I think was a bit too runny and next time I'll use less water. Then I rinsed with a watered down apple cider vinegar mix. Note to self: if you have pimples or open wounds don't let the cider rinse get on them!  Ouch!  Much to my pleasure the combination worked! My hair was soft and supple, full and shiny and absolutely clean. The smell of vinegar was gone in about half hour or so as my hair takes a long time to dry.

The verdict is in and I'll keep doing this. I'll let you know how it is working as time goes on. Until then, go no poo!


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