Liquid Flowers

Recently I came across a fascinating article about a photographer who takes the most amazing splash photographs. It sounds simple yet the results are amazing. You drop items into puddles of colored paint with different viscosity, snap a photo and Viola! You get images like these.
 The artist is Jack Long and I can't stop looking at his photos and trying to figure out just how he did it. Did he defy the properties of physics to make this happen? Is he a charlatan who photoshopped it all? Is it a dream?

The reality is just as fascinating. After months and months of trial and error with different types of liquid and different ways of making the paint splash up, and taking countless photos,  Jack was able to create these images. He won't share his secrets but I trust that these are real and not photoshopped. These photos are the labors of love of an artist.You can see more of these splash flowers here.

His website has other examples of his work that demonstrate his mad photographer skills. I like the ones that look like jelly fish just about as much as the ones that look like flowers.
Yes, that is a splash of paint and not a jellyfish!
I love how art is influenced by science and science is often influenced by art. Shows that the two seemingly different thought processes are interlinked.


  1. Sometimes the descriptions of my work, as it becomes blogged and reblogged, become like a game of telephone.


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