In the Shadow of a Volcano: Camping in the Cascades

Mt. Bachelor - ski lift just left of center
Oregon is beautiful! I have never spent much time in the state other than a 3 day conference in Portland years ago and a quick backpack trip in the north east corner of the state. On this trip, I've seen a lot of the central part of the state and it is wonderful. Being a high mountain desert it is very dry and hot this time of year. There is sagebrush and juniper trees everywhere. And peppering the horizon all along my drive was a series of old volcanoes. My imagination was in overdrive thinking about what it must have been like 20,000  years ago when the volcanoes were more active.

I also got to check out the Cascade mountains last night when I camped along Hosmer Lake with a view of Mount Bachelor. When I first saw Mt. Bachelor I was amazed that people ski on it. As a non-skier, I thought the slopes look way too vertical to be safe. But apparently it is quite popular for that.

A more scenic view of the dead volcano was from the other side with an expansive meadow below. There were lots of flyfishers and I tried not thinking about how I didn't have time to fish.
Mt. Bachelor
Other volcanoes which are apparently active or potentially active were also visible. The active Three Sisters were very near as well as the extinct volcano,  Broken Top.
South Sister volcano
Geology rocks!


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