In the News: Increased Gun Sales are Helping Natural Areas

Well some good may have come out of the over reaction of gun buyers this past year. As many folks are aware, people feared that President Obama would somehow, overnight, take away their guns or right to buy them or buy ammo. So there was a huge upswing in firearm and ammunition purchases this last year. While I never feared my firearms were in danger, I did buy a couple more. Not out of unfounded fear but rather because we needed them to hunt with.

Which brings me to the good news. I found this article at ( about the increase in tax dollars that will go directly to state natural oresource coffers because of this boost in firearm sales. One state they mention will get a $6 million increase in their funding (up from $11million last year). This is thanks to federal excise taxes placed on these items. So while the economy tanks, we may actually see the natural resource agencies get much needed funds. Never thought I would be grateful to wing nut militia folks.  But thanks!


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